Re: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

On 21 May 2013 13:16, Brian Cameron <brian cameron oracle com> wrote:
For all candidates, how do you see being on the board will enhance or
facilitate the volunteer work you already do in the commutity?

I do not think that there is much overlap between the work I already do in the community[1] and the board, so it would be fair to say that I do not think that being on the board would enhance it. The GNOME project has goals that are common to all areas of the community, so I see the board work as complementing my existing involvement.

How many hours per week do you expect you will be able to dedicate to
working on the board on a regular basis?

Based on my conversations with current and past board members, I anticipate that I would need to dedicate a couple of hours per day to board work. I expect the workload to vary somewhat throughout the year and, because I have flexible working arrangements, I am able to spend considerably more time than that on board work when it is needed.

[1] Documentation team, travel committee and Outreach Program for Women

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