Re: Display bigger version of a photo on a tooltip

I agree with David on that one. I've been using F-Spot for quite a while now and I just realized I was double-clicking every time I wanted to see a picture "full page". I know that having it in the docs make it available to those looking for it, but it kind of buries it a bit far for such a great feature.

Also, as for the shortcuts (part of the answer I gave to Steve one on one), I think the GUI should be self explained to some extent. In other words, the average user should not have to read the documentation to use it. I personally never read a manual to use (almost) any software I ever used. Actually, most documentation for free software out there (with a few exceptions) extensively document the obvious, burying the *really* useful information under a pile of useless description of things you can figure out for yourself. That's part of the reason I don't read the manuals much, unless I have a particular problem. A lot of the nice features F-Spot has to offer, I found them by reading this very list. I didn't know about the "v" key. I didn't know how to do a search like "tag1 + tag2" until recently, such a simple feature that should be at your fingertips.

Some of the greatest features of F-Spot are not THAT obvious in the GUI. Telling users to RTFM is not a solution, I'm sorry. Unless we change that mindset that plagues the linux community, we can forget about broad adoption of foss right there.

/end of ranting

Perhaps the "bigger view on hover" behavior could be optional, like activated or deactivated in the preferences? That would make everyone happy, don't you think?


On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 7:42 AM, David Prieto <frandavid100 gmail com> wrote:
Glad to have solved the misunderstanding.

> The reasons for not wanting it are broadly the same, pop-up can be
> distracting.  I tend to use F-Spot with the thumbnails quite large
> (almost the 'v' popup size), therefore David's suggestion would not add
> much.  I get enough detail that I can choose those photos I want to look
> at in more detail in slideshow mode.

>From my point of view having such large images on the browser detracts
from its usability since it allows for less pictures to show up on
screen at the same time, and therefore makes the browsing more
difficult. That's of course just the way I see it, yours is just as

> However, if I do reduce the thumbnails then David's feature becomes very
> useful.
> But on the third hand holding down the 'v' key gives you David's
> functionality if *and* *only* *if* you want it.  So my vote is still to
> maintain the status quo.

Yup. But, in my usercase (and my girlfriend's), the "v" key feature was not
obvious at all, so we have been actually double-clicking photos every time we
wanted to see them in detail and that makes me feel stupid now. Even now that
feature doesn't feel quite right to me; maybe it's because of its appearance,
maybe it's because of having to keep a key pressed or maybe it's from my
experience with other apps (read Pidgin), but having a yellow tooltip appear
when you let the cursor be is just the thing I'd expect to happen.

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