Re: Bug/patch reviewing

On Fri, 11 Jan 2008, Roland Mas wrote:

Tim Retout, 2008-01-10 11:19:15 +0000 :

I don't know whether the source package would work as-is on Ubuntu,
but I'd welcome feedback on that point before I set up a new
pbuilder environment.

Currently, Ubuntu Hardy is just syncing the Debian packages from
unstable, as far as I am aware - so a rebuild in an Ubuntu pbuilder
would be fine. The same should apply for previous Ubuntu releases.

A newly-created hardy pbuilder is currently unable to build the source
package, because hardy is outdated and doesn't contain
libflickrnet2.1.5-cil (>= 25277-5).

Gutsy is the current release of Ubuntu, right? Is it possible to provide packages for that system at least?

If not, no big deal - but I just want to be clear that packages built for the latest actual release of Ubuntu would be more useful than packages built for a future release.

-- Asheesh.

Disposable, use only once.

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