Re: Bug/patch reviewing

Asheesh Laroia, 2008-01-09 12:49:55 -0800 :

> This sounds great to me.  I would encourage you to to also publish
> Ubuntu packages, which are easy to make on a Debian system using
> pbuilder.  I could build those if you'd prefer, but it'd probably be
> just as easy for you to.  Let me know.

I don't know whether the source package would work as-is on Ubuntu,
but I'd welcome feedback on that point before I set up a new pbuilder
environment.  If you could give it a try, and confirm there's no
change needed besides rebuilding, I'll happily integrate Ubuntu into
the process.  If there *are* changes, on the other hand, I guess I'll
need to add two new branches, official+ubuntu and superpatch+ubuntu
(or someone will need to, anyway).

  I went on with my setup, and I think it's workable, so here are the
relevant URLs:

- bzr branches are at$branch (so you can get
  them with "bzr get";
  (or "bzr checkout --lightweight", if you don't intend to commit

- APT repository is at and includes
  the source package as well as the binary package.

  Just for reference, here's the current contents of my "superpatch"

,----[ README.superpatch ]
| This *unofficial* branch contains patches taken from the following
| bug reports:
| - 321596: Allow removing the files from their source after importing
|   them;
| - 508005: "Refresh query" button;
| - 339082: "Add current version as a new photo" menu item;
| - 505125: Rotate only current version of a picture;
| - 329581: Added new aspect ratio constraints;
| - 329174: Allow user to create new aspect ratio constraints;
| - 446131: Do not import hidden files;
| - 406505: Work around bug in libgdk-pixbuf in file import selection window.
| - 479225: Sort "Remove tag" list.
| This branch is meant for testing, and to allow easy access to a
| patched F-Spot until these patches are merged in trunk and eventually
| released in a stable version.

  Please note that the last paragraph is especially true since my last
take on bug #479225 makes F-Spot crash in some occasions (and I went
to sleep last night before being able to debug that).

> If it's easy to build RPMs, too, then by all means do that, too; I
> don't know much about the RPMland equivalents to pbuilder.

  I have no idea about that.  But the magic of bzr is such that
someone could branch off the "superpatch" branch, concentrate on RPM
packaging, and produce similar unofficial packages :-)

Roland Mas

Oshitemo damedara, hiite mina.
  -- Proverbe japonais

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