Problems importing to a mounted drive


I tried asking this in IRC last night but I don't think anybody was
awake, so I'll try here instead. :)

I've been happily using f-spot for quite a while now until recently I
moved my photo collection onto a server.

I've shared the photo directory via samba and am mounting it on my
desktop machine using cifs and POSIX extended attributes. The mount
works fine: I'm able to browse, edit, delete and create folders and
files from the command line or nautilus without any issues.

The problem is when I come to import photos. I sometimes get an error
message like this:

Import error

Error importing /mnt/cdrom/IMG_3317.JPG

Access to the path "/store/Photos/2007/12/16" is denied.

Now, /store is the mount point itself, and before this import the
2007/12 directory did not exist (it was create by f-spot). If I cancel
the import that new directory disappears.

Looking at the directory from the command line, it has the same
ownership as all of the others (rbrown:users). My username is rbrown and
I am in the users group. The only difference is that this new directory
that f-spot created does not allow write access to the group.

Now, I'd immediately blame this on a samba musconfiguration, but the
thing is I can create /store/Photos/2007/12/16 myself just fine by both
the command line and using Nautilus via the mount. I can't see how it
should be any different for f-spot.

I hate to speculate since I don't know the code at all, but could f-spot
be trying to write to the directory before it is 'ready' at the server
end, or something like that?

Any help would be appreciated.



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