Re: Terminology

Thomas PARIS wrote:
I cast my vote for a default of not showing unused tags. But that's
because I see albums as something used *after* importing and tagging.

It definitely needs to be saved in gconf so people can change the behaviour once and get their preferred behaviour afterwards.

I'm a big fan of making the default value the thing most likely to be right for the users who are too naive to know to look for the option and change it.

In this case, I don't think we can assume that people will put things in Albums *after* importing. My guess is that we'll provide a mechanism to let people put an entire import into an Album when they import it. Then if they want to tag only their most recent photos they just need to look at that Album.

Assuming we do something like that, I think that the default should be to show all tags.

Incidentally - this might remove the need for the 'last imported' concept --- if we by default create a new album for every import, it lets you easily find all of the photos from a given import. We'd probably want to put these 'import' albums in a separate folder so they don't clutter the album view...


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