Re: Terminology

On 16/09/06, Warren Baird <photogeekmtl gmail com> wrote:
Dotan Cohen wrote:

> + Collection: A group of photos that are kept together. A photo can
> belong to multiple collections. The photos in a collection are
> arranged in a user-defined order. When a collection is displayed, only
> the photos of that collection are accessable. That means that the tags
> of photos not in the collection are not displayed, and the timeline
> refers to the collection being used only. Also, operations such as
> Select All or Export, when done while viewing a collection, will
> operate only on the photos of that collection.
Hi Dotan,

I agree with John.   I think it is important to not get too caught up in
parallels with the real world.   People do sometimes make multiple
copies of the same photo and put it in multiple albums.   We can make
the 'virtual' album in f-spot better than the album in the real world.
  That doesn't necessarily break the album paradigm in the users mind.

That is what I had in the original definition: if someone wants a
photo to appear in more than one album, then he would copy it to the
second album. Each album would have a seperate .jpg file, just as each
'real' album would have a seperate piece of paper.

If you followed the logic of not making software versions of things
better than the real-world version, you'd have to include 'virtual
white-out' in a word processor instead of letting someone delete text.

Er, that's what we have. That is why you can undo text delete :)

I generally agree with the definition above, but think that we should
use the term 'album' instead of 'collection'.  It will be more clear to
the user.

I've no problem with that. I'll replace the term "collection" with
"album". That's why I put this up for ratification: to get everybody's
opinion, and the general opinion favors the term album.

I'm not sure about limiting the tags.  I like the ability to visually
drag and drop tags that we currently have - and if you eliminate the
unused tags, you wouldn't be able to use that mechanism to tag your
photos.    Maybe providing an advanced option to eliminate all the
unused tags would be good - but I don't think it should be the default

I think that the default behaviour should be to show only the tags
relevant to the album. If you're broswing the album of your football
league, and you click on the tag for your cat, nothing will be
displayed. With 200+ tags (and we're not done) the idea of sorting
photos into albums sounds great- if for only managing the tags! But a
checkbox "View -> Display All Tags" would be acceptable.

Newest version:

List Of Terms (version 0.3.2)

- Plugin: This is any third-party addition to F-spot.

- Photo: One image that was produced by a digital camera, graphics
program, or scanned image. An alternative word is "picture".

- Picture: alternative term to Photo.

- Tag: An arbitrary word or phrase added to a photo (by an end-user) to
decribe the photo. A photo may have multiple tags, and a tag can be
assigned to more than one photo.

- Album: A group of photos that are kept together. A photo can
belong to multiple albums. The photos in an album are
arranged in a user-defined order. When an album is displayed, only
the photos of that album are accessable. That means that the tags
of photos not in the album are not displayed, and the timeline
refers to the album being used only. Also, operations such as
Select All or Export, when done while viewing an album, will
operate only on the photos of that album.

- Library: A group of albums. This would contain all the
photos that a particular installation of F-spot is designed to handle.

- Touchup: A change to an image that is made to correct camera error,
such as red-eye reduction. F-spot can perform touchups on photos.

- Modify: A change to an image that is made to alter the content of the
photo, such as removing your aunt from the photo. F-spot is not
designed to modify photos (That's what the Gimp is for). However,
plugins may modify photos.

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