Re: [Evolution] Help me understand something please

I was clicking group reply and not using the drop down next to it,
Apparently it's not the same thing. 

Edit -> Preferences -> Composer Preferences ->
       Group reply goes only to mailing list if possible.

Personally I also enable "Ignore Reply-to for mailing lists"

I looked at Milan's reply via the archives (no idea why it didn't get
to my inbox) and have a question,he asked I 'run gdb --batch --ex "t a
a bt" --pid=PID &>bt.txt' does he want just one PID or this command for
all of them? If I open the local emails in a new window (double click
mostly) It will spawn a new PID that splits the CPU usage evenly among
the PIDs (yes still WebKItWebProcess) per window. So basically if I
view 8 local mails I'll have 8 PIDs, does he want one for each??

Use the PID of whichever process is taking up CPU time.

At the folks that are advising me to view log files as an attachment, I
would if the program running them gave that option. These are cron job
reports, cron daily, cron weekly, unattended-upgrades success/fail.
results of Tripwire, etc.

If the results of the programs run through cron are so big that they
are causing issues, the you probably need to turn down the verbosity or
filter them in someway.  That's not because it's causing problems, but
if the output contains important information, then you aren't going to
be able to spot issues in a sea of verbosity.

 But the one guy that suggested I get a
program to view logs, could you name one that is 1. Free 2. Not in the
cloud 3. Not a horrid mess to set up?

I use logwatch to digest the daily logs into something manageable.


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