Re: [Evolution] Help me understand something please

Please could you reply just to the list (Ctrl-L) - CC'ing me on replies
means I only get the direct copy of your message to me, not the list
version. This means I don't get the list headers on the message so it
breaks my ability to reply to the list and keep the list threading.

On Fri, 2022-06-24 at 19:53 -0500, tmcconnell168 gmail com wrote:
On Sat, 2022-06-25 at 00:35 +0100, Pete Biggs wrote:
The OP has asked a similar question in the past and he was given
various troubleshooting procedures to try.  Specifically Milan told
how to use gdb to get a back trace to see where the issue is.
I missed the email where Milan sent that, Can we resend those

There is a mailing list archive at

The previous thread starts at

Milan's message is at


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