Re: [Evolution] Adding Google account broke Evolution

On Thu, 2021-12-16 at 11:05 -0800, Alex Doll wrote:
I didn't pursue a fix, I just removed my google accounts from
Evolution and disabled the Google account from the Gnome panel to
make the login prompts go away.

you should be able to use the OAuth2, especially with the 3.42.2, which
you seem to be using. It can be a bit more problematic with the ancient
3.36.5, though I think not so hard too.

I do not think there are any easier ways how to make it work than what
Evolution offers (there had have some glitches in the process before
3.40 or some such version), just do Edit->Accounts->Add->Collection
Account->[fill a address]->Lookup->(finds 8 candidates
here)->Next->Next->Next->..., then fill in OAuth2 credentials and
that's all.

Alternatively, File->New->Mail Account->[fill a address]
->Next->Next->Apply. Then you are asked for the OAuth2 credentials and
that's all.

You get all your mail, tasks, contacts (CardDAV) and (enabled for sync)
calendars (CalDAV). There are shown related links in the account

The third option is to add a Google account in the GNOME Online
Accounts, which the evolution-data-server talks to and provides the
information for Evolution (and any other application using the


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