On Mon, 2020-03-23 at 10:52 +0100, Milan Crha via evolution-list wrote: On Sun, 2020-03-22 at 20:49 +0100, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:Neither does the contacts.db file. A date of 1/1/9999 looks very muchlike an uninitialized field.Hi,being this about Birthdays & Anniversaries calendar, then the addressbooks data matters, because this calendar opens the configured booksand searches for contacts with either birthday or anniversary datesfilled and shows them as the calendar events. Looking at the code, theonly place where the Birthdays & Anniversaries calendar returns"Invalid object" is not on open, but when something adds a timezone toit.What I do not understand is why you see such error when you arecreating a new event. The component editor doesn't open all calendars,it opens only the one to be used as the target calendar. Is it possiblethe Birthdays & Anniversaries calendar is selected as the defaultcalendar (you can see it in its Properties)? Eventually, when in theCalendar view, is the Birthdays & Anniversaries calendar selected onthe left side, in the list of available calendars? Both can be used todetermine in which calendar start the component editor. The Birthdays &Anniversaries calendar is read-only, you may see such information atthe top when you selected it as the destination calendar.I believe the year 9999 is the problem. Try to cleanup your contactsfrom these odd values. It can be the export tool from the Outlook savedincorrect date. Maybe cleanup the contacts before importing. It mightbe semi-easy being it a vCard format. You can save your address book asone large vCard by right-clicking it in the Contacts view and pick Saveas vCard, then edit the file, delete the contacts in Evolution andimport it back. Having a backup before doing this is a good idea.Bye,MilanP.S.: by the way, John, I didn't receive mails you sent, I see onlymessages from poc for some reason (neither the archives show yourmails [1]). Could you reply to the list (Ctrl+L in Evolution) insteadof to me only (if that's the case), please? Private mails do not helpothers. I added you into the CC just in case you are not on the list (Ido not know whether you are), but I usually reply only to the list,because I receive the messages through the list. If you are not on thelist, then just say so, I can keep you in CC if needed. Thanks for yourunderstanding.[1] https://mail.gnome.org/archives/evolution-list/2020-March/thread.html Milan thanks - I will try removing the Birthday & anniversary dates but but I don't think I can delete my contacts as this is greyed out. After that I will see if that is a fix. I have been able to create new If it is related to time zones could it have been triggered by the US FYI - not sure if it a 'bug' but in the contacts list view the year I suspect there is a bit of a hole in the software as normally it does By the look of it all the 1/1/9999 dates should be blank or none as it In terms of the reply to the list I have been but all my messages seem It may be that my emails originate from a different address to the one John Murrell |