Re: [Evolution] Evolution discussion (Ubuntu) - Search results

On Wed, 2020-12-16 at 14:15 +0100, theapplepie differentmail com wrote:
The Help GNOME article is helpful but has not solved the problem and
toget from there to the Evolution mailing list is too long or that
obvious for most people, especially newbies.
Is there a way to bring the Evolution mailing into the search
Evolution -> Help -> Contents -> Tracking down Problems: "How to get

I do not mean to be dismissive, but I've been in IT for 30 years. 
You|We|Us can't make it any easier than that.   The habit of starting
at a search engine is a terrible one; those users will waste their time
plunging rabbit holes. :(

RTFM is in the long run, truly, the best and kindest thing you can say
to a user.

Even when it is not clicked on much as it is a mailing list ...
I hope even newbies will be able to find this great and helpful
mailing list.
Adam Tauno Williams <mailto:awilliam whitemice org> GPG D95ED383
OpenGroupware Developer <>

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