Re: [Evolution] Evolution discussion (Ubuntu) - Search results

On Wed, 2020-12-16 at 17:48 +0100, Andre Klapper wrote:
On Wed, 2020-12-16 at 17:45 +0100, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
Startpage and DuckDuckGo

Scroogle and later Startpage were my default search engine for a very
long time, but due to bad search results nowadays, I tend to use
by default and only sometimes use another search engine. I test
DuckDuckGo from time to time, but I'm not satisfied by it. While in
past Scroogle and Startpage provided hits as good as Google, it
work anymore.

Google is probably a bad company, but related to search results no
search engine is fit to hold a candle.

And that's entirely off-topic here and has nothing to do with
Evolution. Please stay on-topic in your postings.

Let me rephrase that. Users not necessarily expect to get the wanted
help, by the help option of an app. Some apps provide a good help
option, while reading the help of other apps is wasting time. So in
reality, a lot of users use a search engine in the first place and they
even would do this, if all apps would provide excellent help options ...
generation smartphone ;). I don't know if it's the majority or still a
minority, but definitively a huge group of users does prefer a search
engine in the first place over any "classic" manual. Without doubts most
of them are using Google. Get in contact with the ominous "averaged
user". While there is no such user, all of us are aware, that some
habits are very common. IOW if somebody does follow this common habits,
then using Google IMO is more promising, then using another search

However, my apologies, if I misunderstood the subject "Evolution
discussion (Ubuntu) - Search results" even after rereading the thread.

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