Re: [Evolution] Mail server doesn't show up

POP means "post office protocol". The concept behind it is that it
works like the post office: you have a mailbox in the post office
all your mail is delivered into and you retrieve it from there.
all it does. You can go and get your mail and parcels from USPS or
or whoever but they all end up in the same place - your hands! (It's
30 year old protocol, give me some slack!)

That is why Evolution puts everything into your Inbox "On this
Computer" ready for you to sort through (either physically or
automatically).  All Outlook is doing is automatically sorting it
whether you want it to or not.



Thanks for the explanation, given that I only have 1 POP3 account I
will just treat "On this computer" as that account. I may redo the
account as IMAP like it was originally as I am not sure why I selected
the POP3 version when I switched to Linux. Particularly as the
filtering idea sounds a bit complex.


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