Re: [Evolution] Spamfiltering with evolution - NO LONGER WORKS

Right now my NM icon is showing me as disconnected, when in fact I am
connected. Clicking on the damn thing makes no difference and I can find
nothing related to NetworkManager in gconf.
Odd, I believe I would sometimes have to right-click it and select my
"Wired Connection" even though it was the only option available.

If this is in fact related to the Evo offline problem my reaction is
WTF! Isn't this stuff supposed to get easier rather than harder?
I really dislike the tie-in as well.  In fact, it was ridiculous to me
that even though the connection was obviously working, NetworkManager
couldn't notice/acknowledge the fact that there was an active link in

Thanks for the suggestion.
You are welcome, good luck with it.  


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