Re: [Evolution] hanging when downloading messages

On Thu, 2005-03-03 at 11:25 -0700, Evolution List wrote:
5) That's it :-)

LOL  Just as an do I ever feel sorry for someone coming to
Linux from the Windows world and finding themselves having to become a
sort of CLI programmer to get a program installed from source.

Running commands from a prompt is *not* being a "CLI programmer".
To compare programming with running a few commands from a prompt
is the height of know-nothingness.

help us :). 


Don't know if the original poster is from the Windows world or not mind
you :). 

Your instructions were well thought out and right on but the phrase
"That's it" reminds me of what people used to tell me on the Gentoo
forum.  "It's easy to install.  No sweat!" LOL.  

I went through the Linux CLI learning curve myself a couple of years ago
but boy oh boy!  There's were lots of times that I felt like cursing the
day Linux came into existence as an operating system :). 

Like all of us who used MS-DOS and survived, somehow, with Word-
Perfect, Lotus 1-2-3, TurboPascal, DEL, COPY, etc, etc.

Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson, LA USA
PGP Key ID 8834C06B I prefer encrypted mail.

"Americans hate foreign policy because Americans hate foreigners,
because they *are* foreigners, and came to this country to get
away from the bad things."
P.J. O'rourke, 2004-06-25, Fox News Channel

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