Re: [Evolution] Mulitple IDs

On Wed, 2005-12-28 at 15:35 -0500, Robert Moskowitz wrote:

I don't have this problem, because the mail comes in at different IMAP

And you leave the mail in the IMAP folders?  Not local store?

I have some filters that move all mail to the imap server at home (so in
a sense, this is local store). Also I selected the option "copy folder
content locally for offline operation" so messages are available even
when there is no imap server present at all.

Are you saying you are actually receiving the mail for multiple accounts
in _one_ mailbox (that being either mbox or something like imap or pop).

Not quite.  When you have multiple personalites (ie mulitple email 
addresses) Eudora (and my limited experience with Outlook), all of 
the POPed mail ends up first in the in box.  There is only one.  From 
there you have to filter.

All imap accounts have their own INBOX. I guess the same goes for pop

Eudora has had support for multiple accounts since v 5.  That came 
out a long time ago.  Actually what I am doing, I was told, is very 
PINE-like (it was a PINE user that helped me set this up initially)

Sorry, no experience with pine (nor eudora). For a cli client I still
prefer plain old "mail".

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