Re: [Evolution] Mulitple IDs

hi robert,

Am Dienstag, den 27.12.2005, 14:06 -0500 schrieb Robert Moskowitz:
Well I answered part of my directories question by doing a lot of 
INternet searching.

you're posting a question, three persons answer it on the mailing list,
and now you write that you got the answer by "a lot of internet
searching"? why are you asking then at all, and why did i waste ten
minutes on answering your previous mail? hmm.

I see where Evolution places its data in a hidden directory: ~/.evolution

Now why it is felt necessary to put all of this stuff in hidden 
directories is beyond me.

once upon a time (version 1.4) it was in ~/evolution, and everyone
complained the other way round ("it's too easy to accidentally delete my

So it would seem that Evolution is treating each useid as a 
personality for the logged in user.


I wonder could I create some other user IDs, grant privileges to my 
ID and run additonal copies of Evolution pointing to those directories?
Or do I somehow have to have multiple simultaneous logins?

i have no idea what you're aiming at, so i can't answer this. check your
file permissions, i'd say. where should these over copies run?


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