On Wed, 2018-05-30 at 01:43 +0200, Garreau, Alexandre wrote:
If you inspect the In-Reply-To headers you’ll see none of these is marked as an answer to another, yet References mark them because some of them do reference the other ones.
Hi, I highly doubt any regular user even knows anything about the internals. They care of the result. And what you did has the result as shown in the attachment. That's a very good habit to discuss one issue in one thread (or even bug report), though I agree it's not always possible. While you think the things are related, then the X-Mailer has nothing to do with Reply- to-List (it just happened that you wrote both messages), still if I'm not interested in the X-Mailer thread then when I collapse it (or mark it to be ignored) I lost track of the other threads. I also expect that you did put some effort to have the References header filled in the other messages, which just shows that even you can do that manually, regular users will not do it, unless they have tools for it. Anyway, we diverged from the subject from my point of view, we just discuss our habits and preferences, which obviously differ. Each has its pros and cons, I'm not questioning that. My personal past experience is that changing someone habits is pretty hard (near to impossible), no matter what any document can suggest as the best practice. Again, consider regular users, corporate environments (top posting), incorrect quoting, when people cannot distinguish between instant messaging and e-mail (they try to use instant messaging habits in e-mails, huh) and so on. Bye, Milan
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