2006-October Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
[Evolution-hackers] [PATCH] Adding execversion to evolution-shell.pc,
Jules Colding
[Evolution-hackers] asterisk plug-in for Evolution,
Ron Arts
Re: [Evolution-hackers] missing dep in configure,
Philip Van Hoof
[Evolution-hackers] IMAP summary synchronization improvements,
Philip Van Hoof
[Evolution-hackers] A plugin for remove attachments.,
Rex Tsai
[Evolution-hackers] Reviewing imap_update_summary,
Philip Van Hoof
[Evolution-hackers] Evolution Data Server - Java or .Net bindings,
Maciej Piechotka
[Evolution-hackers] multiple inbox,
Davide Corio
[Evolution-hackers] New memory analysis related to Camel,
Philip Van Hoof
[Evolution-hackers] [UPDATE] Evolution released,
Harish Krishnaswamy
[Evolution-hackers] sorting out bugs by taking a look at the dup count,
Andre Klapper
[Evolution-hackers] Uninitialized item.type in build_items (widgets/misc/e-filter-bar.c),
Pavel Roskin
Re: [Evolution-hackers] [evolution-patches] The differences between camel-lite and normal camel,
Jules Colding
[Evolution-hackers] Building Evolution Exchange from HEAD / with Evolution 2.9.x,
Harish Krishnaswamy
[Evolution-hackers] Exchange OWA using Cookie Authorisation,
Peter Newman
[Evolution-hackers] [ANNOUNCE} Evolution 2.9.1 and Evolution-Data-Server 1.9.1 released,
Harish Krishnaswamy
[Evolution-hackers] Evolution and friends branched for 2.16,
Harish Krishnaswamy
[Evolution-hackers] OWA with "SessionGuard",
R. Tate
[Evolution-hackers] automated testing of Evolution data server with SyncEvolution,
Patrick Ohly
[Evolution-hackers] gnome-2-16 branch,
Andre Klapper
[Evolution-hackers] http://gnome.org/projects/evolution/,
[Evolution-hackers] Recurrence ID?,
Jules Colding
[Evolution-hackers] Major changes to Camel for tinymail requirements,
Philip Van Hoof
Re: [Evolution-hackers] Setting default smtp server in evolution,
Karl Relton
[Evolution-hackers] Setting default smtp server in evolution programatically,
Peter Gordon
[Evolution-hackers] Sender photo in email display,
Riccardo Lancellotti
[Evolution-hackers] Strings missing in Evolution,
Francisco Javier F. Serrador
[Evolution-hackers] memory usage in evolution 2.8.0 and disk usage,
Abylai Ospan
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