Re: [Ekiga-list] presence support has never worked

Damien Sandras wrote:

I have unfortunately closed it as INVALID. I have compiled and test
Ekiga 3.0.2 and OPAL 3.4.4 to make sure of what I say, but I can confirm
that when you receive an empty NOTIFY, the status appears as offline.

If others have the same bug, they will reopen the report and perhaps
provide more debug information. 

Actually, I think you do not run the real OPAL 3.4.4 and Ekiga 3.0.2
releases, because that bug was fixed before they were released.

I've reopened it with screenshot proof. What more do you need? Should I bust open the source RPMS for you?

Should I call you on Ekiga and use my webcam to show you I'm on those versions?

This is ridiculous.

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