Re: [Ekiga-devel-list] Restoring presence in the SIP code

Le 25/09/2010 13:13, Eugen Dedu a écrit :
On 24/09/10 22:14, Julien Puydt wrote:
Perhaps I should still commit what I have, since it's still an

The only problem with the patch is that NOTIFY dialog;sla still does not

2010/08/14 12:34:27.845 0:03.470 Opal Liste...0x55f91710 SIPPres NOTIFY
contains unsupported Content-Type "", expecting

Could we do a release without it, what do you think? If yes, we will
precise what does not work in that unstable release.

Ok, here is what I did :
- I committed the old patch a little cleaned, but which made presence sort of work ; - I committed a patch which removed what I just committed, and switched to the new api.

So that leaves ekiga in a state where opal presence is still broken, but the code should look better -- and the ui is alive again.

I still have to find out why I don't see myself online...


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