Re: APIC tag description text

Hi Oliver

On 2013-03-14 13:05, Oliver <oliver joos freenet ch> wrote:
Thanks! I added another feature to the patch, so that the default
picture type is FRONT_COVER. Originally it is not initialized, which
results in type OTHER.

Thanks for the idea. I refactored the picture type heuristic a bit, and set the default type to be FRONT_COVER.

 It would be possible to add an option to control this
behaviour, much like exists for setting a default comment.

That would be great! And if you think, FRONT_COVER is not most often
intended, an option for the default picture type would be nice too.

I have not added an option to control the default picture comment yet, but I will hopefully do so as part of the GSettings porting that I am working on at the moment.

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