Comment on EasyTag GUI usage

  Given the conversation I thought I'd throw in my $0.02 about how
I use the GUI.  When I have a directory of audio book mp3s  they
are often quite messed up. If its a single directory, I get the track #'s fixed
and then set the book name/author on all files. If there's multiple subdirs
I may set the disk#s of each directory, otherwise clear the disk#.
Normally I'll stash the existing file names into one of the tags I don't use
so I have it available for "recovery" from mistakes or to pull fields out
of it at a later point in the tagging/naming process.
Then rename all with something like %d%t-%b, before loading the
new file names into the track name. In some cases I'll rename the files
again with what I really want them to be. 
I guess my only point is that it would be bad for me if any reworking
of the gui were to break the ability to do group renaming/extraction
as its currently supported.

{{{{ --------------- Steve --------------- }}}}
I think most of the people involved in any art always secretly wonder whether they are
really there because they're good or there because they're lucky.
--Katharine Hepburn

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