On 2013-01-06 07:25, Alastair <ajebay errichel co uk> wrote:
I confess I failed to sort out my problem in spite of your help. Is there an idiot's guide to using Git and which link should I use; commit, patch or what. There may be others out there who would find guidance on this helpful and for me clearly it is essential!!! Any further help you can give would be appreciated.
There are many guides on getting started with git, such as: https://live.gnome.org/Gitbut if you merely want to test the latest version of EasyTAG then the steps are something like:
1. In a terminal, change directory to a convenient location and clone the easytag repository: "git clone git://git.gnome.org/easytag"
2. "cd easytag"3. "./autogen.sh" (check the configure summary to see whether support for the file formats that you want is present)
4. "make" 5. "./easytag"Once that works you can keep it up to date by running "git pull" and then repeat steps 4 and 5.
The only problem with this approach is that you need to have the build dependencies for EasyTAG installed, and the steps for installing them depend on your distribution. You might also want to look at jhbuild:
https://live.gnome.org/Jhbuildas EasyTAG is usable in jhbuild as the "easytag" module. Most of the build steps are automated with jhbuild, and it is good for testing the latest releases of GNOME software, but might be too complex just for testing EasyTAG.
Good luck -- http://amigadave.com/
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