Re: More features

Greetings, Octavio Alvarez!

To me, an added "recently-used" list where the last 100 shapes (not lists)
are shown sorted by last time starting by the most recent would be great.

Always shifting list of often used elements is never useful.
You just won't use it, if it will always change, and if it take you a look and
a thought to pick proper element from the sheet.
This is, unfortunately, the late tendency of UI design - to force people to
waste their time looking at is.
Professional users never look, where they click.
They KNOW where they click. They rarely admit the presence of UI around the
workplace. They concentrated on their work, and UI is just a supplement. If it
needs more attention, than their work, the UI is deficient and needs an

Yes, they all are not a beginner problems. IMO the beginner problems
are not related to bad GUI or missing GUI parts. I see only one
missing part - very basic Quick start tutorial with some screenshots.
Now i think not for my students - i am able to describe them the
basic work with Dia. But for people which find the Dia by self and have
nobody to ask around.

The following link right in the front page would be very very useful:

Also, not sure if dia --integrated is the default in the Windows
installer (I use Linux), but making it the default would be a great UX
improvement, just by itself.

Even if not, you can make it so quite easy yourself.

Andrey Repin (anrdaemon freemail ru) 31.01.2014, <22:25>

Sorry for my terrible english...

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