Re: Normal way to visualize the structure of a program source-code?

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Dear Pooya

a) How can I add the minimum and maximum numbers on the lines between two classes, like (0,1) or * (see

Use the Aggregation line. There are multiplicity fields for each side in
the Context menu of that element.

Yes, this works like a charm. But how can I have the lines on both sides of the rhomb-symbol?
Or does one line on one side make no difference in the UML-Semantic?

I am not entirely sure if I understand what you are trying to do.
The rhombus on one side of an association between two classes can
not have lines on two sides. It is used to mark one of the two (or
more) ends of an association.

However there is another rhombus used to specify branches (and
merges) in activity diagrams. This is a separate element available
in the Dia UML shapes.

b) Is there a special double line available in the UML-Sheet, which presents the "must exist" relation 
between two classes?

I am not aware of such a shape.

Hmm..Ok..I wonder, because I was given a diagram, in which this shape ( two parallel lines ) was used.

It could be the "Participation" element from the ER shapes (with the
option Total = yes). However, to my knowledge that sort of line is
not part of the standard visual representation of UML.

Best Regards,

Thimo Langbehn
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