Re: focus! (was Re: Focusing on innovation re: mono, python et al)

Havoc Pennington wrote:

> My first-order answer is that GNOME thinks of itself as "making a 
> desktop" - even though the _reality_ is that the larger GNOME 
> community/ecosystem is doing way more than that, and that the larger 
> tech industry is doing still more.

Would you consider junking the concept of "GNOME as a desktop" in favor
of "GNOME as an application development programming context" or would
think that the slicing should go deeper ? Namely, percolating the idea
right down to the level where applications are developed around GNOME
core (assuming the segregation of GNOME core and GNOME extras). From the
earlier mail that you posted it would appear that you favor a shift of
GNOME from a software development paradigm to a more personal/social (if
I may) context. Wherein the *who* assumes greater importance while
releasing GNOME rather than *what*.

As it stands I don't see an aggressive movement towards (re)doing the
GNOME messaging - its happening but its taking its time probably because
of the distribution centric messaging that goes for GNOME. Perhaps the
time is really there to start talking more about the context in which
GNOME figures in every day computing rather then the concept where GNOME
provides applications (cool as they may be) but in no ways do emphasize
the stuff GNOME is supposed to do.


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