Re: Old versions of GNOME [was: Re: gtk 2.8 for gnome 2.12]

Seems like the Ubuntu folks are coming up with the solutions anyways.
Also note that some of the problem might be that CVS might make it hard
to do.


On Fri, 2005-07-22 at 00:22 -0400, Luis Villa wrote:
> On 7/22/05, Glynn Foster <Glynn Foster sun com> wrote:
> > Heya,
> > 
> > > Please bear with me along the following rant.
> > 
> > Okay, so this rant covers a lot of ground, but I have specific comments
> > from a Sun perspective -
> > 
> > o As a Sun developer, I'd much rather the community focus on
> >   churning out the next release of GNOME. Which is pretty much what
> >   the average hacker wants to do, right - be innovative, develop
> >   new features and generally get the desktop moving forward. Bug fixing
> >   gets boring, and bug fixing on stable branches even more so ;)
> > 
> > o I think it should be up to the various distributions to put their
> >   bug fixing patches upstream, and onto the branches ASAP - so that
> >   other distributions can also use them. Let's face it - there's
> >   no value add in bug fixes, and if they don't get pushed upstream,
> >   it makes GNOME look bad rather than other distributions. I'd
> >   very much welcome a 'free for all' on the stable branches, past
> >   the 2 or 3 official releases we do.
> Once upon a time Nat and I talked about having a centrally
> located/funded coordinator for the distros, known to be reasonably
> neutral, whose job it was to track bugs[1] in older versions, test
> patches against multiple versions, etc.- basically do the
> coordination/testing/release work that would solve some of the
> problems Federico  very correctly highlighted. I still think it would
> likely be a good investment for the distros (who will all soon
> maintain multiple old versions that none of the developers want to
> touch) to pool some money and hire such a person.
> [1] At the time (right after the glow of 2.0) I was interested; most
> definitely am not these days, though I'd certainly lend my advice on
> the bug-tracking side.
> > o I'm trying to push a change in development process within Sun, so
> >   that we can concentrate our core development on HEAD as much as
> >   possible. We've been kicking this around internally for the past
> >   couple of years, and now with our focus on OpenSolaris, I think it
> >   should be more feasible to do than previously. As an added bonus,
> >   we hope to be able to throw QA resources into that as well. All
> >   this is going to take time though, and won't happen overnight.
> I have seen that mentioned in some blogs, and I agree it would be
> great to see- I hope it works out.
> Luis
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