Re: RFC: Ideas for preferences dialog

On Sat, 2008-04-12 at 12:07 -0700, James Liggett wrote:
> On Sat, 2008-04-12 at 18:32 +0200, daniel g. siegel wrote:
> > so how are you going? need help? svn account?
> Almost done. It's got a few bugs that I'm having trouble nailing down.
> But my ideas work conceptually; I'm having problems with Cheese and my
> webcam (a lot of times it decides not to come up at all, won't come back
> after resolution change.) Also, I may need help with implementing
> different resolutions for photo and video. I've got the prefs dialog
> working as a proof of concept with one resolution list; I have it put
> together and it should be very easy to extend to handle this case. 
> I'll clean up my stuff and upload it to Bugzilla so you can see it.

awesome ;) cant wait for it

> Thanks,
> James 
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