Re: [Banshee-List] Banshee 1.2.1 ignoring embedded cover art

MercuryShadow wrote:
Here is a screenshot of two applications.  On the left is Mp3tag, installed
under Wine, which is showing the actual embedded artwork for the track.  On
the right is Banshee.  I've imported a single album to the library, and
Banshee has needlessly downloaded album art instead of using the embedded

There is a clear difference, here.  Amarok works just fine using the
embedded artwork.  In fact, every application that I've used can see the
embedded artwork.... except Banshee.

The covers in the linked image look the same to me. Am I missing something? Banshee does find the embedded art by my experience. Personally I have the cover art fetcher disabled. Also, if changes are made to the metadata (album artist or title), you must either remove and import the album again, or rename the cover art files in
~/.cache/album-art (albumartist-albumtitle).


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