Re: I'm new to balsa and can't get it to work ...

Carlos Morgado wrote:
> > Later, I repeated the same action with another message. This time the
> > message had a Trash can symbol added under the "S" column but remained
> > in the Inbox window. So which action is correct?
> >
> if you changed the 'deleting messages' setting under Misc yes. other no

I set it to what I want. Thanks.

> you're using an already existing directory right ? MH and maildir have
> particular formats (actually, stuff that's supposed to be in the
> directory) and if balsa doesn't recognize the existing directory
> as a mh/maildir directory it will give you that message. same thing if you
> try to add a mbox pointing to a existing file that's not an mbox
> i suppose what you want to do is creating a mbox
> inside the directory you created right ?

OK, so I removed the directories I make outside of Balsa.

I want to transfer some messages to sub-sub-directories that don't exist

In Eudora, I pull down on "Transfer" from the main menu bar, select an
existing mailbox or directory and then release the mouse button and the
message is transferred. If my choice doesn't exist, I select "New ..."
wherever I want to create either a mailbox or directory and then tell
Eudora whether to make a mailbox or a directory. If I say mailbox, the
message is transferred. If I say directory, Eudora makes the directory
and then brings up a window where I can make a nested directory or a
mailbox. When I finally tell it to make a mailbox, the message is
transferred and the operation stops.

I don't see equivalent functionality in Balsa. How do I do things like

> > Ok, so where is the Transfer menu? Where is the context menu?
> >
> "context menu" is gnome speak for button-3 click. right-click (if
> your mouse is on the right side :)) on a message or list of messages

Gnome speak, huh? How about something in a pull-down (like under Message
or in the main menu bar), too?


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