Re: I'm new to balsa and can't get it to work ...

Carlos Morgado wrote:
> I never lost email with a balsa release. In fact, I use the bleeding edge
> (cvs) daily and don't remember the last time i had that kind of problem.

Relying on this, I went ahead and downloaded 1.3.4.

> > Checking or unchecking "Use APOP Authentication" makes no
> > difference.
> >
> odd, that would be my sugestion. do you know what type of auth the server
> expects ? is the server reachable from the internet ?

With the new version and APOP Authentication UNchecked, it works.
In playing around with Balsa, however, I ran across some other things
that don't work or work strangely.

For example, right after I started it, I highlighted a message in the
Inbox and clicked on the Trash/Delete button. The message disappeared
from the Inbox window and appeared in the Trash window. I selected
another message and repeated the same action with the same results.
Later, I repeated the same action with another message. This time the
message had a Trash can symbol added under the "S" column but remained
in the Inbox window. So which action is correct?

> > I have a LOT of email saved up on my machine (du -sh ~/nsmail gives 74 MB).

With that in mind, and seeing a note (on the website, I think) I made a
new directory in my mail directory and made another new directory in
that. Upon restarting Balsa, the new directories were indeed there.

The next task was putting something in the new directories. Pulling down
"File" to "New" gives three choices of types of mailboxes. Which one is
correct? Selecting one, getting the pop-up window, typing the name of
the new mailbox in the "Mailbox Name" place, clicking on the little
button next to
"Mailbox Path" and selecting a directory in which to place the new
mailbox brings up the "Add" button. Clicking on the "Add" button brings
up a Balsa Information window that says,
"Mailbox <name of directory selected> does not appear to be an <type of
mailbox> mailbox."
So what's wrong?

Not to worry, go to the help. Ahso, "Common Tasks with Balsa" looks like
the ticket. And indeed it is.
There is a section about "Moving Messages". There it says,

"There are several methods available for moving or copying messages from
one mailbox to another. The first is via the Transfer context menu, and
the second is using drag and drop. 

"To transfer messages using the Transfer menu, simply select the
messages you desire to move from one mailbox, then bring up the context
menu and select the Transfer submenu. This will display a list of
mailboxes similar to the mailbox list in the main window. The list can
be scrolled and trees expanded and collapsed, although these changes
will not be reflected in the main list. Selecting a mailbox will start
the transfer."

Ok, so where is the Transfer menu? Where is the context menu?

This is supposed to be like Eudora? Maybe it's been so long since I
learned Eudora, but I don't recall having had this much trouble.



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