On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 12:15 PM, Anthony Fernandes
anthony saigonlinux com> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I'm happy to say that Quang Trung has given me a YES - but have several
> questions which I cannot answer very clearly - example: who are the
> sponsors, how many booths we need - stuff like that.
> I would like to introduce one person to them, and would like to know who
> this person can be.
> Cheers,
> Tony
> On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 6:24 PM, Emily Chen <
emilychen522 gmail com> wrote:
>> That's great. Once the venue has been confirmed, we can think about
>> announcing the summit after that.
>> One question for Mario and local team:
>> In the proposal, I see the expected participants are 1000, that's a big
>> number. Do you have any expectation who will be those 1000 people ? How many
>> are GNOME developers,how many GNOME users? How many are from open source
>> community, how many are students. From our experience in Beijing, there were
>> 300 people attend this summit, about 50 people are core GNOME developers and
>> contributors, 100 people are from open source community and companies, about
>> 150 people are students. So I would like to know who will be those 1000
>> people for the 2nd summit?
>> It takes time for us to learn the local community, the summit don't have
>> to be a huge conference, just bring together the GNOME people in Vietnam
>> together, to build the GNOME community in Asia. A summit with 300+ people is
>> good enough, just from my point of view.
>> Thanks for all the good work did by our local team.
>> Emily
>> 2009/9/21 Anthony Fernandes <
anthony saigonlinux com>
>>> Hello everyone,
>>> It's the silent one again :-))
>>> Quang Trung's response is pretty positive, I have a meeting with them
>>> tomorrow morning 9.00am to talk about the requirements & other necessities.
>>> Hopefully, I can have a confirmation also from them.
>>> Tony
>>> On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 10:03 AM, Kevin Miller, Jr.
>>> <
kevin miller saigonlinux com> wrote:
>>>> Okay, it seems that everything is set then in regards to the venue.
>>>> Kevin
>>>> Hong Phuc Dang wrote:
>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>> what are the current steps needed to get the Summit going? To my mind
>>>>> we need to focus to get out the call for participants, to get the
>>>>> website ready and to invite sponsors.
>>>>> Concerning venues - we are progressing. We have Quang Trung Software
>>>>> City (QTSC) as a potential venue and they said they would like to talk
>>>>> with us how we could do it. Besides that, there are venues such as:
>>>>> NIIT, Aptech, UIT etc. They are all IT universities, and located in
>>>>> Dist 1 and 3 (central). We are checking locations one after the other
>>>>> and we will decide soon which are the best venues. I think the global
>>>>> team does not need take up time and resources on this subject at the
>>>>> moment. But we would be very happy and welcome any help with the call,
>>>>> website and funding.
>>>>> So, lets focus on the call and website. The event will happen from Nov.
>>>>> 20-22.
>>>>> I am looking forward to working with everyone together.
>>>>> Hen gap o Vietnam (See you in Vietnam)
>>>>> Hong Phuc
>>>>> On Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 5:01 AM, Will LaShell <
will lashell net> wrote:
>>>>>> I really tend to agree with Brian at this juncture. We need to push
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> date back to a point we know we can actually hold the conference. It
>>>>>> is
>>>>>> completely unrealistic to expect sponsors and speakers to make plans
>>>>>> when we don't have a solid time and place to hold the summit.
>>>>>> I want the GNOME.Asia Summit to be a signature event for GNOME and the
>>>>>> free software community. We need to make sure the events we promote
>>>>>> are
>>>>>> done perfectly. If this year we delay, then so be it. Our goal can
>>>>>> still
>>>>>> be to do it annually.
>>>>>> Sincerely,
>>>>>> Will
>>>>>> On Thu, 2009-09-17 at 23:37 -0500, Brian Cameron wrote:
>>>>>>> Is there any reason that the conference needs to be the weekend of
>>>>>>> November 20th? Pushing back the date, even to sometime early next
>>>>>>> year might be better. It will be easier to find good sponsors (and
>>>>>>> get everything else done also) if we have more time to plan the event
>>>>>>> properly without rushing too much.
>>>>>>> Perhaps GNOME.Asia will be a bi-annual event instead of a yearly
>>>>>>> event. :) Really, I don't think that would be a problem. It's
>>>>>>> better
>>>>>>> to do things right than to rush too much.
>>>>>>> Brian
>>>>>>> Mario Behling wrote:
>>>>>>>> Tony, will let us know within this week about the venue at Software
>>>>>>>> City. We have to wait until he has confirmation. Then we know about
>>>>>>>> the details.
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> Mario
>>>>>>>> On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 10:14 AM, Kevin Miller, Jr.
>>>>>>>> <
kevin miller saigonlinux com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> We do not know, we do not have a venue yet.
>>>>>>>>> RMIT Vietnam confirmed that they did not have the space to hold
>>>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>>> conference in November. They recommend the week for Tet, the
>>>>>>>>> Vietnamese New
>>>>>>>>> Year, since many of the students will no longer be in class.
>>>>>>>>> Tony is talking with the Quang Trung Software City. I have no
>>>>>>>>> contacted the
>>>>>>>>> two universities until QTSC gives a response.
>>>>>>>>> I am still trying to get into contact with the University of
>>>>>>>>> Technology
>>>>>>>>> which held the Google DevFest last year. They are working on
>>>>>>>>> another event
>>>>>>>>> with e27 from Singapore now for October.
>>>>>>>>> We are doing the best we can here.
>>>>>>>>> Kevin
>>>>>>>>> Emily Chen wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>>>> I have updated the latest call-for-participants document based on
>>>>>>>>>> Pockey's
>>>>>>>>>> suggestion, I also merged the draft from Shane.
>>>>>>>>>> I have made below changes:
>>>>>>>>>> 1. This is not only call for talks, but call for lightning talks,
>>>>>>>>>> exhibitions and hands-on lab
>>>>>>>>>> 2. Explain who is our target audience
>>>>>>>>>> 3. Add GNOME 3.0, School software to topic areas
>>>>>>>>>> 4. Still waiting for the Theme to be decided
>>>>>>>>>> Click here to view the latest call-for-participants:
>>>>>>>>>> <
>>>>>>>>>> BTW, I need to hear the opinion from Vietnam local team,
>>>>>>>>>> especially on the
>>>>>>>>>> exhibition and hands-on lab. Do you have such areas in the venue?
>>>>>>>>>> -Emily
>>>>>>>>>> 2009/9/15 Pockey Lam <
pockey beijinglug org
>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:
pockey beijinglug org>>
>>>>>>>>>> Dear Emily,
>>>>>>>>>> A few suggestions on the call for participants:
>>>>>>>>>> maybe we should mention potential audiences so they have an idea
>>>>>>>>>> of who
>>>>>>>>>> they will speak to?
>>>>>>>>>> 2) ask them to spread their words to other potential speakers in
>>>>>>>>>> any of
>>>>>>>>>> their local communities, even though they may not be the right
>>>>>>>>>> speaker,
>>>>>>>>>> they can help to look around, maybe we miss some communities in
>>>>>>>>>> Asia, so
>>>>>>>>>> the local can help us
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>> Pockey
>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, 2009-09-14 at 23:55 +0800, Emily Chen wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> > Hi all,
>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>> > I create those two docs and shared them in Google Doc, so
>>>>>>>>>> everyone can
>>>>>>>>>> > edit them now.
>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>> > Call for participants (2008 version, Mario will update it with
>>>>>>>>>> Summit
>>>>>>>>>> > 2009 content):
>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>> <
>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>> > Proposal :
>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>> <
>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>> > I suggest differnt people add comments using different color.
>>>>>>>>>> How
>>>>>>>>>> > about it ?
>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>> > -Emily