Re: [] Input needed: FOSS.IN/2009 Dates

On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 23:01, Will LaShell <will lashell net> wrote:
From registered website users we have the following data:
 count | country_id
     3 | KH
    11 | US
     1 | IE
     1 | JP
     3 | KR
     1 | IR
     1 | DK
   498 | CN
     2 | HK
     1 | SG
     1 | PK
     6 | BD
     3 | IN
     4 | ID
     6 | FI
     1 | EG

US attendance is not going to be a large portion of the attendant percentage for GNOME.Asia any time soon. But it would be a cool problem to have.

The actual US attendances goes down even farther from there, when you take into account people such as myself and Will who registered for the sake or registering (and working on the site) but were unable to attend.

While it would certainly be nice to take into consideration US holidays/schedules, I would say it doesn't necessarily need to be a top priority in order to get this off the ground.


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