Re: [anjuta-list] Another wxWidgets problem


On Wed, Mar 16, 2016 at 4:44 PM, Igor Korot <ikorot01 gmail com> wrote:

On Wed, Mar 16, 2016 at 4:30 PM, Sébastien Granjoux <seb sfo free fr> wrote:

Le 15/03/2016 22:01, Igor Korot a écrit :

But then it should just work, right?
I mean configure should just bring the appropriate option up and they
should be
used when compiling either main binary or the library.
Am I right?

Typically, the configure option set some global config variables (like
WX_CPPFLAGS or WX_CXXFLAGS), you normally still have to use them in each

I mean I did set the C++ and linker options and was able to compile the library.
I just got confused since they were not populated thru the whole project to the

According to,
one needs to give an "rpath" option in order to change the search path.
Does Anjuta do that?

Yes and no, Anjuta doesn't know any compiler or linker flags so there is no
UI to set rpath option. But there is an UI to set linker flags you can use
it to add any options, including this -rpath option.

OK, I will try to do just that.
And when everything is ready I will just remove the rpath option. ;-)

I tried to supply -Wl,-rpath,/home/igor/dbhandler/Debug/libdialog, and
but the library was not loaded.
So the next step was I tried to do "Build->Install project". Of course
it failed, since
I ran Anjuta as a regular user and I wasn't asking for a "root" password.

Is it how its supposed to be?
Shouldn't Anjuta ask for the root password?

Thank you.

Thank you for the help.



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