Re: [anjuta-devel] Keep path relative to the project directory

Hi Seb,

On 02/04/2012 10:21 PM, Sébastien Granjoux wrote:

But I think the best solution, if you really need it, would be to use a
special name in the database like "." meaning the name of the directory
where is the database. Now in the comment of symbol_db_engine_open_db,
it is said explicitly that the project name is not saved in the
database. Perhaps it's only an additional check that is failing. The
database itself seems to work when I have renamed the project directory.

I like this solution. I've committed a little patch that would store the name of the local project as "localprj" instead of the value taken from anjuta_project_node_get_name (). Now renaming the project directory doesn't produce any problem, at least here.


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