Re: [anjuta-devel] ianjuta_project_manager_get_elements


Le 27/11/2010 12:39, Abderrahim Kitouni a écrit :
The problem is that I don't have a reliable way to be sure that the
project is fully loaded, and I can't do anything useful before
everything is fully loaded.
What elements are you looking for ? sources files ? What's the problem 
if you don't have all of them ?

For the most common use cases (loaded with
the session or loaded by the user after the project was loaded), it's
enough to check whether get_elements/get_packages returns null, but I
prefer a more correct approach.
I think it's wrong to check if the returns value is null. You could have 
a non null value with only a part of the project loaded. Currently with 
autotools projects, you will NULL, everything except packages sources 
and then all sources of every packages one by one but it depends on the 
implementation and you cannot rely on it.

I think that's the best solution, but if someone sees a better way, no
There is a flag in each node which can tell you if the corresponding 
node is only partially loaded. So if you have a pointer on such 
AnjutaProjectNode object, you can know if the project is fully loaded or 
not. But you could have to check all nodes moreover at the moment, I 
haven't change the IAnjutaProjectManager interface so you don't have 
access to these AnjutaProjectNode object at the moment.


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