Re: [Vala] Port Tomboy?

Dne 29. červen 2009 16:09 Levi Bard
<taktaktaktaktaktaktaktaktaktak gmail com> napsal(a):

Many applications that run on Mono already use managed wrappers on
native gobject libraries, a prime example being gtk+.
Debian users, `apt-cache rdepends libgtk2.0-cil` to see a few.
The gobject api generation works similarly to the vapi generation for
Vala, in that it mainly Just Works and tends to require a few tweaks
to fix things that don't get automagicked correctly or to take
advantage of language features.

Yes, but gtk+ is originally written in C. We are talking about
libraries that already exist in C# to be rewritten to Vala. That is
entirely different scenario. There is hardly any C# programmer that
would prefer wrapped gobject library to pure CIL implementation. There
are many inconveniences that make working with native libraries a real
pain sometimes. Most notable one being the fact that programmer would
have to compile the native parts separately for every platform, while
pure CIL code is platform independent.

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