Re: Binding by keysyms

Hi, Dmitry, (or dobry den', do you use it?)

On Thu, 09 Jul 2009 23:49:13 +0400, Dmitry Dzhus wrote:
>     (bind-keys global-keymap "XF86Launch1"
>                (lambda () (interactive) (system "emacs &")))
> Sawfish simply doesn't seem to see XF86Launch1 presses.
> Customization UI binds this key with no effect as well.

You mean grabbing in Configurator GUI doesn't work? If so, it's

Ah, well, can you try some of these:
* Restart sawfish
* xset r / -r to the key. (Use keycode. You can see it with xev)
* xset r rate 200 25 (Number can be whatever you like.)

They may seem meaningless, but it somehow solved some of my
problem when I upgraded to xorg-1.5.

Teika (Teika kazura)

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