On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 3:53 AM, Aleksandr
Some people have been very successful in doing it....according to the
posts I've read.
I don't want to be one of them.
Aleksandr, AFAIK rhythmbox communicates with the iPod at the
software/database layer and not at the firmware one, so that it is
nearly impossible to create MAJOR damages: in the worst case, just plug
your iPod to iTunes and format it and it will work again.
However this last answer seems to be made by a troll, so my (a bit
rude) conclusion is: if you want to sync your iPod with Rhythmbox, stop
asking and do it (you have received answers both by the maintainer of
the project, Jonathan, and by the iPod sync developer, Christophe),
otherwise do not flood this conversation anymore.