Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] Generic MP3 player support

On Thu, 2006-08-10 at 12:55 +0200, Christian Becke wrote: 
> Am Mittwoch, den 09.08.2006, 14:49 +1000 schrieb James "Doc" Livingston:
> > Can you check the plugins (Edit->Plugins) to make sure it's enabled? The
> > log reports the plugin being loaded, but not activated. It should be
> > enabled by default, but might not be if the gconf schema wasn't
> > installed correctly.
> As simple as that! Activating the plugin did it, thanks. "Edit->Plugins"
> didn't work, though, because the plugin was hidden - had to do it with
> gconf-editor.

Strange. For the plugin to be hidden, the gconf schema would have had to
be installed, and if that were the case the schema should have turned it
on by default. Assuming you hadn't turned it off earlier.

> Now I can't wait to see track transfer to generic player devices! :)
> I had a look at plugins/generic-player/rb-generic-player-source.c
> and sources/rb-ipod-source.c. What I had to do is implement
> impl_receive_drag and impl_paste functions plus some uri transformation
> magic for impl_paste, right?
> If no one else is working on this, I will give it a try...

I believe Jonathan has been doing some work on this, but I don't really
know much more.


James "Doc" Livingston
Java is a WORA language! (Write Once, Run Away)
    -- James Vandenberg on progstone egroups com

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