Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] Suggestions for Rhythmbox

Dnia 18-10-2004, pon o godzinie 16:24 -0400, list napisał:
> >  Manually arranging is not appropriate,
> I guess our opinions just differ here--I think that an option for the user  
> to re-arrange any playlist in the system just makes the application more  
> robust. It doesn't add confusion or water down the UI--if this were the  
> case, I think it would be best left untouched.

Librart is simply a view to results of your query, not editor. Think
about Midnight Commander -- it simply lists data which is there (in this
case, file names), sorted by specific criterion. It doesn't allow you to
change the order of files in directory, as this is meaningless to
filesystem, to which MC is only a window. Now, if you want files
processed in certain order, you pass them in that order to whoever needs
them, be it by order of CLI arguments, or creating playlist of sort in
app. This is analogous to library -- manual arranging there doesn't bear
any meaning for something that only presents results of query

> It just makes sense to let the user do whatever she or he wants, as long  
> as it doesn't introduce confusion into the mix. I really don't like  
> playlists, as they are too cumbersome when you just want to re-arrange the  
> order a given artist or album plays.		

As Christophe said, that calls for playqueue -- which personally I'd
love to see


"Tautologizm to coś tautologicznego"
   Maciej Katafiasz <mnews2 wp pl>

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