Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] yet another new mockup (meta)

tis 2003-05-13 klockan 04.01 skrev Mike Gratton:
> Jorn Baayen wrote:
> > mån 2003-05-12 klockan 13.23 skrev Mike Gratton:
> >>
> >>a) make shuffle and repeat standard toggle buttons (a 'la iTunes) rather 
> >>than checkboxes.
> > 
> > Maybe.. checkboxes use less space though, which is pretty important if
> > they are on the statusbar.. but I dont have a strong opinion here.
> Fair enough, so why not just get rid of the meta-button and move 
> shuffle/repeat back to the toolbar?

Well the checkboxes are actually much easier to see what they do than
having to trace the arrows on the button icons.. well I don't have a
strong opinion here. Either would work for me.

> >>b) make displaying the meta-button a pref - I'll never use it and would 
> >>much prefer the screen space instead. 
> > 
> > Ehm.. no way.. sorry.. :) CRAAACCKK
> Heh, I know what you're thinking, but surely users will be able to 
> customize the RB toolbar? If so, the first thing I would do (as a user) 
> would be to remove the meta-button and replace it with shuffle.

It's not a toolbar anymore.. so no customization (we should get the
button layout fixed instead of making it configurable)

> /mike

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