Re: GNOME and GStreamer

> I'm sick of this. I've given comments on the patch *right after it was
> submitted*.

And Tim has replied to your comments, fixed up the patch accordingly,
and commited to a branch.  If you want, you can further comment on it.
It'd be appreciated if you do so before monday.

>  If Fluendo is so keen on making this happen, then spend some
> manpower on getting the patch up to my standards for being applied.

The only thing Fluendo is doing here is paying Tim to make sure things
are moving forward.  It is the same as when it was paying you.  If you
want to go the companies-are-evil way that's fine.  But *I personally*
am doing this in my spare time.  Please check the dates of my mails and

>  My
> comments for the patch were very clear and not at all unreasonable (for
> example, I didn't ask for a gnome-cd port, which is the hardest part).

gnome-cd is ported, and works just as much as before.  AFAICT, all your
comments are addressed.  Please review the branch.

> Stop whining and do it. If the patch is changed as requested in my
> comments, I'll apply it.

You'd make a more positive impression if you were less insulting.  Like
said a few times before already in this thread - could you *please* just
finally install GStreamer 0.10, hold it up to your mystical yard-stick
of end-user readiness, try this gnome-media branch and *comment on it* ?
There are people trying to move forward.

Ronald, seriously - I understand if time is an issue - but if it is,
just say so.  You've been very negative about GStreamer the past year -
are you sure it has nothing to do with the fact that your move and PhD
is taking a lot out of your free time to hack on things ? It has
happened to me too in the past and I know I've taken it out on the wrong
people sometimes...


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