Re: John Palmieri joining the release-team

On 11/8/05, John (J5) Palmieri <johnp redhat com> wrote:

> It all depends on what kind of tone we want to strike.  Java missing one
> release might not be a big deal if they have shown commitment on
> previous releases.  I think the delisting from stock markets might be a
> good model.  It is pretty hard to get on, you need to follow rules and
> regulations but once you are on you are given leeway to get your act
> together once you fall behind.  For instance a tech company in the
> server space that we all should know has been threatened in the past
> with delisting because their stock fell bellow $1 a share but they
> managed to bring it up and keep their name listed.  It happened again
> and they couldn't bring it up so they are being delisted.
> The same stance should be taken with the Java Bindings or any bindings.
> Give them a warning and drop them if they don't pull it together by the
> next release.

Makes a lot of sense.  So much so, that it seems it should have been
obvious.  :)

> As for C# what is their status?

No clue, honestly.

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