Re: John Palmieri joining the release-team

On 11/7/05, Vincent Untz <vuntz gnome org> wrote:
> Le lundi 07 novembre 2005 à 14:30 -0500, Luis Villa a écrit :
> > On 11/7/05, Murray Cumming <murrayc murrayc com> wrote:
> > > > Where does the Java stuff stand? It would be nice to have a
> > > > politically able shepherd to help get them on board.
> > >
> > > They've been in since the start.
> >
> > I thought they missed the last release train?
> We released 2.12 with the 2.10 releases of the java bindings. But the
> 2.12 java bindings are in GNOME 2.13.1. So I think everything is
> alright.

Well, it does bring up another question.  I believe one of the rules
of the bindings release set was that there was a commitment to target
the most recent versions of libraries; it was one of the sticky points
as the C# bindings intentionally targetted older releases but still
felt they ought to be in the release set (which Miguel brought up in a
rather accusing tone towards Murray since Miguel didn't
like/understand the rule...a situation that was at least temporarily
handled by just explaining the rules that currently exist and an offer
to allow the bindings group to discuss further if they feel they
should change.)  That topic will almost certainly come up again, and
they may well bring up how the java bindings lagged last release if
they haven't yet targetted the newer library versions.  Is there a
difference in these cases that I'm not aware of (I'm admittedly not
that familiar with the bindings side of things)?  How do we handle
this?  What's the rule or rules?

- Elijah

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