Re: Planner Health

I didn't set up a route for / yet.
You should point your browser to http://localhost:3000/pm

That's assuming you've got everything else set up.
In summary, after installing rails and haml, and downloading webplanner,
you need to:

* create the database:
mysqladmin -u root create planner_development

* create the database.yml file (and check it for accuracy - the example
file assumes mysql database and a blank root password)
cp config/database.example config/database.yml

* create the database tables (from the webplanner folder):
rake db:migrate

* start the web server (also from the webplanner folder):
ruby script/server

I can't think of anything else off the top of my head.  Let me know if
you run into any more trouble.

Sorry I didn't get back to you on what you could work on - I've been
trying to think of a few things that are not completely trivial.  The
two I came up with are:
 * create a Resource Usage view
 * investigate internationalization (the sooner we address this one, the
better in my mind)

Let me know what you think.

Thanks, Mario!

- Kurt

On Wed, 2009-03-11 at 22:13 -0300, Mario Mol wrote:
> hy guys,
> do you have a manual how to install the web planner?
> i installed all the ruby componentes need by the webplanner, and all
> are noted in a document, so we can used it as a manual in the future.
> I'm in doubt about route.rb, i've tried 3 situations:
> 1. 
> #map.connect 
> Message: No route matches "/" with {:method=>:get}
> 2.
> map.connect '', :controller => "pm_controller"
> Message: NameError in Pm controllerController#index 
> 3.
> map.connect '', :controller => "application"
> Message: Unknown action - No action responded to index
> What should i do to get it working?
> after that i will send the manual, or we can post on rubyforge.
> See you!
> 2009/3/10 Joseph G. Kneuer <jgkneuer comcast net>
>         At 08:27 AM 3/10/2009, Kurt Maute wrote:
>                 You should probably start by familiarizing yourself
>                 with Ruby on Rails.
>                 Two books I think are the most helpful:
>                 * The Ruby Programming Language (O'Reilly)
>                 * Agile Web Development with Rails (Pragmatic
>                 Programmers)
>         The second book has just been reissued (Third Edition) to take
>         into account the last iteration of Rails handling of Web page
>         "skeleton" code.  I just got notice that they are "about to"
>         ship my copy.  The current version of Rails breaks the example
>         code provided in Agile Web Development with Rails, First and
>         Second Editions.
>         Be sure to get the Third Edition - check with Pragmatic
>         Programmers for availability - if you order from them you can
>         download the final text in PDF while awaiting delivery.
>         P.S. Don't blame them for the incompatibility, Ruby on Rails
>         is a rapidly evolving project and supports legacy releases,
>         but any work on Web Planner should exploit the bleeding edge
>         of Rails.
>         Joseph G. Kneuer
>         (973) 783-1115 
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