Windows screen readers are definitely not sluggish everywhere. I hate fanboyism or fangirlism no matter where they exist.Wow. So I just share my personal experiences and observations, and I get this. And the flaming and name calling gets worse off list. This must stop. I am not any kind of fanboy, as I certainly point out bugs where they exist. It's just that I choose what I choose and want to see it improved, so I don't share unsolicited advertising for anything else. Apparently this makes me an idiot as well, but again, I just want to see Linux, at-spi, Orca, LibreOffice and all the other great open source software I rely on each day improve; I don't want to be called names simply because I use it and share my personal observations and experiences that I have had just within the past month. Also, this cute little piece has strayed so far off-topic from LibreOffice, Orca and navigation that I feel I must change the subject line so that those of us who are actually interested in seeing LibreOffice navigation bugs fixed can cut the crap from this thread.