Re: [orca-list] orca in manjaro?


You will need to have 20G available on the drive where you
install the VM and that your machine is KVM-able.

1. Create a virtual hard disk with this command:

qemu-img create -f raw slint.raw 20G

2. Download Slint:

3. Here is the script to create the VM and start the Slint installer:

qemu-system-x86_64 \
-enable-kvm \
-cpu host \
-boot menu=on \
-boot order=d \
-m 2G \
-soundhw hda \
-display gtk \
-vga std \
-drive file=slint.raw,format=raw,media=disk \
-cdrom slint64-

Run it, allow 30 seconds for the installer to boot, then press Enter.

After a few seconds you should hear it beginning to talk. Then, follow
the remainder of the instructions in:

as it it ware an installation on bare metal.

After installation, you will need to replace this line in the script:

-boot order=d \

by this one:

-boot order=c \

so that the virtual machine boots on the virtual hard disk, not on the
installer's ISO. Run the script again to start Slint.

This is not an auto-install.

If you want to try an already installed mini-slint instead,
read this:

Best regards,


Le 16/02/2020 à 13:52, Jace Kattalakis a écrit :
Okay that's odd.

Is the script going to solely set up the VM or auto install it with a name/password given?

On 16/02/2020 11:33, Didier Spaier wrote:
Qemu by far, because its sound handling is way better.

I will post a script to setup a VM to do so after lunch <smile>


Le 16/02/2020 à 12:14, Jace Kattalakis a écrit :
So one more question. I swear I had these instructions ages ago.

But what's the best virtualization solution to test Slint out? Qemu or Vbox? So how should I set that 
machine up VM wise?

On 16/02/2020 11:05, Didier Spaier via orca-list wrote:
Hi Jace,

Pidgin and pidgin-otr are installed, as well as telegram, telegram-cli
and purple-telegram (it allows to use telegram from pidgin).

purple-skypeweb and purpe-facebook, as many other plugins can be
packaged and installed by the users as well as many other software with
a simple command like:
sbopkg -i <package-name>
or spi -i <package-name>
from Slackware like build scripts available @

A small app called sqg allows to list dependencies among the SlackBuilds
to build and install them in the right order.

The software taht can be built ans isnatlled with pidgin in the name are
listed in:

TinyFugue is neither shipped in Slint not available @,
however tintin is shipped in Slint and ggmud, and kildclient are
available as SlackBuilds.

It works with NVME SSDs out of the box.

Best regards,


Le 16/02/2020 à 10:41, Jace Kattalakis via orca-list a écrit :
Not Devin. But can I get...

Pidgin working, Pidgin's purple-skypeweb plugin owrking and purple-facebook?

Can I get MUD clients working like TinyFugue and most importantly...

Does it work with NVME SSD out of the box?

On 16/02/2020 07:51, Didier Spaier via orca-list wrote:
Hi Devin,

Here is what you get in Slint, let us know if you need more.

Packages initially installed (from the ISO):

1. Console screen readers: espeakup, fenrir and speechd-up.
You can easily choose one and change it typing as root:
speak-with <espeakup or fenrir or speechd-up>
Now espeakup can use all 54 mbrola voices available
in Slint.

2. Emacs, with emacspeak and speechd-el
You can easily choose one and change it typing as regular user:
switch-on <emacspeak or speechd-el>
If you choose emacspeak and Voxin is installed you will
be asked if you want to use it.

3. On the desktop: Speech Dispatcher and Orca, whith these synthesizers
and associated voices:
espeak-ng (also with mbrola voices)
After installation, you can get Voxin and more voices.

4. During installation, speech and Braille can be used. If so, the first
user created during installation will have speech and Braille as soon as
the system is started.
You can choose to log in in a console then start a desktop using startx
when you want, or start directly a desktop, this can be set and changed
typing as root:
login-chooser <'text' or 'gdm' or 'lightdm' or others)
A good VirtualBox is included as well as Qemu.

5. You will not get Gnome. But I fail to see what it brings that Mate
doesn't provide. We have other desktops and windows managers included
and you choose and change the one you use typing:

For the updates, you can check this ChangeLog:

After installation, typing these commands will update your system:
slapt-get --add-keys
slapt-get -u
slapt-het --upgrade
slapt-get --install-set slint

At time of writing, Slint provides:
orca 3.35.3
speech-dispatcher from git Master (most recent commit)
Mate 1.22 (Mate 1.24, released on 10 February will be soon available for
Security fixes are provided as updates.

So, apart from Fedora Slint provides
_ A fully accessible installer
_ more software for accessibility, kept up to date

Please elaborate on what you like in Fedora that I didn't mention, then
I'll the tell if you can get that in Slint.

Best regards,


Le 16/02/2020 à 07:10, Devin Prater via orca-list a écrit :
Yes, but do I also get the packages I need? Emacs with all the stuff it needs, timely updates, good 
virtual box, and so on? What sets Slint apart from Fedora?

On Feb 15, 2020, at 11:38 PM, Dave Hunt via orca-list <orca-list gnome org <mailto:orca-list gnome 
org>> wrote:

If you don't mind using Mate, instead of GNOME, consider Slint  You can get the 
kind of installation you want!

On 2/15/20 9:44 PM, Jude DaShiell wrote:
Unlike most here, my ideal install would be to come up in console then
start gnome using startx since that way no need to do a graphical login.
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